Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tech Brain

A week ago today, I turned 33.  It was a surprisingly normal day, which made me feel like my whole life is one boring day on repeat, ad nauseam. ⛈

But I wasn't in my classroom that day because I attended our monthly District Wide Technology Committee meeting.  Teachers, administrators, TRCs, and media specialists come together to talk tech and discuss decisions about our eventual 1-to-1 rollout.  That's 1 electronic device to 1 student.

Of course it's a cool idea, but the amount of planning and decision-making behind this initiative is staggering, even to me.  Well, I guess that's not saying much, considering how horrible I am at making decisions.  I'm 80% excited about it and 20% terrified about it.  I didn't even realize my terror until....

I found out I'll be piloting 28 iPads for 9 weeks in my classroom!!  I'll be giving feedback on the devices (iPads) and a new Learning Management System (LMS) called Canvas.  I have a feeling it's going to be crazytown trying to get the best use out of them, but I feel up to the challenge.

Luckily, there are now many school districts who have gone through this very process, so there are several resources I can use!  In fact, today I Googled "ipads in 5th grade" and the first thing to pop up was a blog about a teacher piloting iPads in 5th grade!  The blog was from 2013, so it may not be completely current....... :D but still, it's a place to start.

So just some quick things I want to remember about this week:

- One of my students suggested I read the Warriors series.  I am completely hooked, and half my class is now obsessed with it.

- I brought back Monday Pun Day, and we are learning/discussing more vocab than ever.  This is most embarrassing because we have an actual vocab list every week.  Just goes to show that whatever your brain doesn't struggle with turns to mush.

- Students now get "skill checks" in reading and writing to balance out the tests and quizzes in the gradebook.  So far, the writing skill checks are responses to quotes.  This also leads to great discussions, and I feel like I'm molding little minds.  Next step: try to take over the world.  Wait, I mean figure out some good reading skill checks.

- A girl came up to me after class yesterday and gushed about how great Padlet is.  We had been using it for class discussions regarding compare and contrast in paired texts.  She loved being able to share her thoughts while reading and commenting on everyone else.  She said it was better than waiting in class to say ideas one person at a time. :D (This may be because she wants to make a comment after every other comment in class, hahah <3)

- Realizing how grateful I am every day for this job and the opportunities I have to learn and watch others learn.  So humbling!